Thursday, February 4, 2010

The First Day of The Rest of my Life!

Today, I passed My Real Estate Exam!
Excited can't even begin to explain the way I feel! I was a nervous wreck this morning, I didn't even think I was going to make it out of the house! and now because of the nerves, it is taking every ounce of my being to keep my eye lids open while playing with my children!
I can't wait to see where this new road brings me...and my family! Now if I can only find some customers......

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mi Casa es Su Casa!

Just so everyone feels right at home on my new blog....Here are my 2 beautiful children....Kenzie will be 3 in March and Benjamin just celebrated his 1st Birthday yesterday (although if you ask a certain someone in the house, it was HER birthday).

Along the way, I will be sure to share their stories with you ...But for today, we will start out with a great big HELLO!

Welcome to My Home!

Welcome World...I have FINALLY arrived! After years of snooping, I have decided to add a page of my own to the wonderful world of blogging! Not sure where I am headed just yet, but stick around....This may get interesting!